Modern Collection

117 products

    117 products
    Tall Cylinder Fountain by Campania International
    $ 3,300.00
    Grouping of 3 light grey containers shown in front of a stone wall
    Concept Small Planter by Campania International
    $ 250.00
    Grouping of 3 light grey containers shown in front of stone wall
    Concept Medium Planter by Campania International
    $ 790.00
    Portola Fountain by Campania International
    from $ 975.00
    Concept Large Planter by Campania International
    $ 850.00
    Black birdbath fountain with contemporary open bowl on stone walk
    Concept Birdbath Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,300.00
    Oslo Medium Birdbath by Campania International
    $ 775.00
    Dark gray birdbath fountain pictured running in front of ferns and hostas
    Oslo Medium Fountain by Campania International
    $ 915.00
    Black square bird bath fountain with two square bowls and four copper spouts
    Detail picture of the top square bowl with water flowing out of copper spout
    Square One Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,000.00
    Detail of running birdbath fountain in front of greenery
    Birdbath fountain shown running behind succulent plant
    Oslo Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,240.00
    Large spherical fountain on a square base, pictured in front of a grey wall and with a red chair
    Large Sphere Fountain by Campania International
    $ 5,200.00
    Short faceted blue fountain with small bubbler pictured in front a ivy-covered wall
    Rumba Fountain by Campania International
    $ 865.00
    Tall container with weave design and planted with a shrub
    M Weave Tall Round Planter by Campania International
    $ 860.00
    Narrow grey urn pictured on a grey pedestal in front of blooming roses
    Capitol Hill Urn by Campania International
    $ 950.00
    Basin fountain with basket weave design and rectangular basin pictured on gravel in front of wall
    M Weave Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,600.00
    Tall square grey fountain with a single spout, flanked by green shrubs
    Brentwood Fountain by Campania International
    $ 4,400.00
    Square pedestal shown with an urn in front of lawn area
    Savoy Pedestal by Campania International
    $ 900.00
    Contemporary container planted with perennials and shown on a pedestal
    Savoy Planter by Campania International
    $ 960.00
    Square two tiered fountain pictured on gravel by a perennial bed
    Escala Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,300.00
    Triad Planter - Set of 2 by Campania International
    $ 870.00
    Alta Girona Fountain by Campania International
    $ 2,500.00
    Detail picture of table top fountain with flat copper spout spilling water into lower bowl
    Asia-inspired table top fountain with flat copper spout spilling water into lower rectangular bowl, pictured in front of fern
    Katsura Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,000.00
    black fountain in rectangular basin with three oval columns and three copper spouts
    Black fountain with rectangular basin and three attached oval columns  pictured on black and white tiles
    Samba Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,500.00
    Campania International 29" Del Rey Fountain, pictured on gravel. Four copper spouts spill out of upper bowl into lower bowl.
    29" Del Rey Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,375.00
    Moderne Tapered Planter by Campania International
    $ 950.00
    Container shaped fountain with covered top and copper spout  on pavers
    Detail of covered top fountain with water bubbling out of copper spout and LED light
    Concept Basin Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,150.00
    Tall urn with a copper band at the top planted with a shrub
    Moderne Planter by Campania International
    $ 1,100.00
    Moderne Tall Planter by Campania International
    $ 1,100.00
    Rectangular fountain with two spouts on top pictured amongst boxwood
    Lutea Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,200.00
    Round basin and round tiered top with four copper spouts pictured next to boxwood shrubs
    Small Del Rey Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,500.00
    Contemporary fountain with square pedestal, rectangular basin and triangular top with copper spout
    Triad Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,500.00
    Gray birdbath fountain with medallion on column pictured in front of tulips
    Powys Fountain by Campania International
    $ 900.00
    Rectangular wall fountain in grey finish on top of wall and next to ivy wall
    Lucas Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,000.00
    Oval shaped two tiered fountain  with two cupper spouts in either sides spilling water in lower bowl,  pictured on grey stones in front of shrubs
    Jensen Fountain by Campania International
    $ 855.00
    Rectangular basin with an oval shaped bowl  in the back spilling water from a copper spout  and sitting on square stone floor
    Genesis II Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,375.00
    Three-bowled round fountain with water spout on top and water dripping down the sides into a large bowl
    Cascade Fountain by Campania International
    $ 2,150.00
    Oval fountain with two bowls spilling into the third one through six copper flat spouts
    Carrera Fountain by Campania International
    $ 1,600.00
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